Magnificent Musings - 0721
Fiercely 5th Avenue - 0721
Sunset Sightings - 0821
Simply Santa Fe - 0821
Fiercely 5th Avenue - 0821
Magnificent Musings - 0821
Glimpse of Malibu - 0821
Fiercely 5th Avenue - 1021
Sunset Sightings - 1021
Simply Santa Fe - 1021
Magnificent Musings - 1021
Glimpse of Malibu - 1021
Glimpse of Malibu - 1221
Magnificent Musings - 1221
Fiercely 5th Avenue - 1221
Sunset Sightings - 1221
Simply Santa Fe - 1221
Ballroom Banquet - Gold
Stone Healer - Blue
Date Night Nouveau - Blue
Decked Out Dazzle - Red
Popping Promenade - Blue
Front Row Flamboyance - Green
Homespun Stylist - Black