Simply Santa Fe - 0222
Magnificent Musings - 0222
Sunset Sightings - 0222
Glimpses of Malibu - 0122
Magnificent Musings - 0122
Simply Santa Fe - 0122
Sunset Sightings - 0122
Fiercely 5th Avenue - 0122
Sunset Sightings - 0322
Magnificent Musings - 0322
Ocean Orchard
Glimpse of Malibu - 0322
Fiercely 5th Avenue - 0322
Simply Santa Fe - 0322
Magnificent Musings - 0422
Sunset Sightings - 0422
Glimpses of Malibu - 0422
Simply Santa Fee - 0422
Fiercely 5th Avenue - 0422
Sailing The Seven Seas - Orange
Aquatic Adventure - Orange
Wallstreet Winner - Purple
Million Dollar Diva
Shimmer Splash - Silver